Ready to go on an adventure? You could throw caution to the wind and hit the road without a plan. But, if you want to maximize your time and get the most out of your vacation, you should consult the experts to find the best getaways, secret trails, and can’t-miss eateries, that only those who devote their lives to traveling the world can help you find.
Unvergesslicher Winterurlaub in Georgien mit 4 hervorragenden Skiresorts
Weiß gezuckerte hohe Berge, reine Luft und überall unähnliche Aussichten – genau das bietet Georgien den Winterurlaubern an. Gut ausgebaute Infrastruktur und die vier unterschiedlichen, atemberaubenden Skiresorts, wie Gudauri, Bakuriani, Svanetien und Goderdzi, versprechen uns abwechslungsreichen Winterspass.
VisitGeorgia at FITUR 2025
We are excited to announce that VisitGeorgia will be participating in the prominent FITUR International Tourism Fair in Madrid from January 22 to 24, 2025. You can find us at stand...
VisitGeorgia at MATKA 2025
We would like to inform you that VisitGeorgia will be participating in the prestigious MATKA Nordic Travel Fair in Helsinki from January 16 to 19, 2025. To easily find us, please visit Hall 6p.
Spend Winter in Georgia and Celebrate a Joyful New Year
Every country has unique ways of ushering in the New Year, and Georgia is no exception. Spending New Year in Georgia is a journey of wonder lasting fortnight, offering unique traditions and festivities that will pique your curiosity and leave you intrigued.
End of the Season 2024
On November 30, we held our End-of-Season Ceremony to wrap up and celebrate the achievements of 2024. We proudly received the "Leader of the Year 2023" Golden Medal from the Swiss Rating Association during this special event. Besides the employees being recognized...
Georgian Wine Culture: Unique History, Regions, and Grapes
If you are on a quest to discover the birthplace of wine, Georgia is a destination that will captivate you. Here, the oldest evidence of winemaking was unearthed, and the intertwining of wine culture, history, national identity, and everyday life creates a unique and fascinating cultural experience.
VisitGeorgia – “Leader of the Year 2023”
VisitGeorgia is proud to share that we have been honored with the prestigious "Leader of the Year" award (by Swiss Rating Association) Golden Medal for two consecutive years—2022 and 2023! This prestigious recognition is awarded to the top-performing companies in...
VisitGeorgia at WTM London 2024
Tourist Agency VisitGeorgia participated in WTM London as always! Our stand was N8-202. Thank you to everyone who visited us!
შემოუერთდი ჩვენს გუნდს!
„ტურისტული სააგენტო ვიზიტ ჯორჯია“ აცხადებს ვაკანსიებს ტურიზმით დაინტერესებული ადამიანებისათვის შემდეგ პოზიციებზე: ტუროპერატორი (ინგლისურენოვანი), ტუროპერატორი (ფრანგულენოვანი), რეზერვაციების მენეჯერი და ტრანსპორტის მენეჯერი. ვისთვის არის ეს ვაკანსია...
VisitGeorgia at TTG Rimini 2024
TTG Rimini overview: We are excited to share that VisitGeorgia took part in TTG Rimini 2024, one of the world's leading travel trade shows, from October 9-11, 2024. Our Stand was in Pad. C1, Stand...