Ready to go on an adventure? You could throw caution to the wind and hit the road without a plan. But, if you want to maximize your time and get the most out of your vacation, you should consult the experts to find the best getaways, secret trails, and canโt-miss eateries, that only those who devote their lives to traveling the world can help you find.
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Top Beaches of Georgia Black Sea
Planning your next trip to the beach? Luckily for you, Georgia offers some of the best beaches in the Caucasus, to choose your next destination. Georgia has several beaches that strike the perfect balance between exoticism and elegance, all ideal for a family or...
UNESCO grants Georgiaโs two territories a biosphere reserve status
For the first time in the history of Georgia and the Caucasus, UNESCO granted Georgiaโs two territories the status of a biosphere reserve.
Georgia wine country: Why is Georgia considered to be a wine country?
The world scientific community recognized that the ancient traces of winemaking were discovered on the territory of Georgia, from where it spread throughout the world and had a great impact on the formation of agriculture, folk culture, biology, medicine, and civilization in general.
Celebrating Easter in Georgia
If you're lucky enough to be in Georgia for Easter, you won't see the famous bunny or go for an Easter egg hunt, but Georgian Easter is unique with its traditions. While the days leading up to Easter include solemn processions and liturgies, โAghdgomaโ is a joyous celebration marked with rituals. this is public holiday in Georgia and celebrates Jesusโ resurrection from death.
10 Photos That Will Make You Want to Visit Georgia
Photos depicting Georgia Nowhere in the world quite compares to Georgia, where the natural and urban attractions are equally spectacular. The country's hills are alive with snowy ski slopes, pristine lakes, and meadows filled with wildflowers. Meanwhile, its cities...
Reasons to Love Georgia in Spring
Spring Freshness Spring in Georgia brings blooming flowers, warmer days and activities of all kinds. From outdoor adventures that take advantage of the great weather to favorite events that only happen once a year, here are some of the best reasons to visit Georgia...
The 5 Best Ski Resorts in Georgia
Ski resorts adventures Georgia has some of the greatest skiing in the Europe and is a highlight of any winter holiday.ย Whether you enjoy downhill skiing, or snowboarding, there are ski resorts that cater to your needs. Most importantly, when traveling with children...
5 Reasons To Celebrate New Year In Georgia
Itโs the most wonderful time of the year! 2021 is almost over, and not a moment too soon. Everyone is getting ready for these days, some are sewing a new dress, some are making a new wish list and some are looking for a new location to make this day special, but...