Be witness to the hovering men and women, unique steps, and dizzying dance moves that tell stories of war, love and friendship – your introduction to Georgian dances!
Stunning performances
Captivated spectators are left breathless watching the stunning performances and call for an encore with thunderous applauses. The magical sensation fills the theater, uniting thus, spectators and dancers into participants in this one big celebration. These dances performed today have been enacted for centuries.
We should also take special notice of Georgian ballet, which boasts over 100 years of history on the stage to wide acclaim. In 1967, the Georgian National Ballet Ensemble was invited to perform at La Scala (Milan, Italy). It was the first and only time a folklore ensemble has been hosted. The curtain was lifted 14 times. Georgian folk songs are also incredibly melodic. Stories are narrated through music. As a matter of fact, Georgian polyphonic singing has been proclaimed by UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. In 1977 “Chakrulo”, a Georgian folk song, was included in the Golden Records sent into space on the Voyager.